I am the youngest of my siblings and we all have very fond memories of our father. As I think back to the impact my father had on shaping me into the man I have become I begin the smile with admiration. Initially after his passing, I was unable to accept his absence, however, that emotion passed after approxmately two years. At times, I find myself quoting some of his infamous sayings. My father taught me how to drive, tie a windsor knot, have respect for proper English, shave, etc. He introduced my siblings and me to Christianity. Can you imagine a man combing the hair of three girls and ensure that we all looked our best as we filed out of the house every Sunday morning to attend the 11 o’clock service at True Light Bapist Church ON TIME? We could not be late for church, ever! There was never a shortage of love bestowed upon us all. While we did not have much money, we had on overflow of love. Every Friday it was an evening out at McDonald’s summers were filled with outings at Brookfield Zoo and the Air and Water Show. I am who I am because of the influence my father had over my life. As you can see, I have found memories of my father. While our relationship was not perfect, I never doubted that my father did not have my best interest at heart.
So many of my SGL brothers have had no experience or difficult relationships with their fathers and because I hold my father in such high regard I find it so sad to hear this it truly saddens me. My father had a very commnading presence that yielded respect and admiration. I can remember times when instead of getting a whipping he would sit me down and talk to me to impart knowledge that the end of a strap could not. While my father did not agree with my emotional orientation, he never stopped showing his love for me inspite of his own personal feelings. I have accepted that I will not be a parent of my own children; I would have hoped to be a father like the one God blessed me with.
Ron, you simply amaze me with your writing. The passion and ferocity you have with your skill are certainly unmatched. This reminds me of my own dad and our relationship. Thank you so much for sharing and also helping me to remember my own story with my dad.