I can remember attending church as a child as far back as I can remember. My earliest memory is that of laying my head on my grandmother’s lap in church at the age of about four and falling asleep. My father was a Christian man and ensured that me and my four siblings attended church and worshipped every Sunday. This was a foundation that I rely daily. There have been occasions when the Holy Spirit (God) has spoken to me to guide and warn me about various things in my life. God has also been there to check me when I have been wrong in my thinking or doing.
Several months ago God started speaking again as I faced a point in my career where I was not liking my job at all. It had begun to be a place full of stress and where I began to doubt my intellect based on the actions and opinions of others. Getting up and going to my place of employment after 17 ½ years began to become an extreme chore and days filled with stress, long hours and lost appetites. The God I serve does not want His children to be unhappy in anything in their lives (employment, friendships or relationships). God was speaking to me with warnings by telling me to start looking for another job. Get your resume together and begin looking. With my unwillingness to change after 17 ½ years I kept putting the search off. Occasionally I would put my faith in the fact that I had a couple of good days and my hope would be that all was well and it was going to get better. However, several days letter the stress would rear its ugly head again. In all that was going on I did not run from my faith in God and His promise was evident for He never left me or forsook me while I was being abstinent to change and His direction.
After several months I began to realize that I could no longer fight this battle and God gave me a peace in the midst of my personal storm. I began to come to work and continued to give my best as I had before all of this turmoil began. Per the teaching of my father I remembered that at the end of the day I have to remain my integrity even when times are tough. I accepted what God was saying to me and I began to do as instructed. I revised my resume as well as started searching for a new job. Now I will say that there was a real sense of fear and apprehension but I knew I could not continue down the path of stress as I had been for the past 4-5 months. God continued to speak to me through other people to let me know of adversity ahead through conversation with coworkers. He will use whomever whenever to get his message across. A coworker gave me some insight to some things that he was made aware of which truly was a message from God which I determined was another message from God telling me that changes were pending very soon.
On June 3rd, I came to work as normal; however, little did I know that within hours of arriving at the office I had no idea that this would end my tenure with my employer. After attending a meeting, I came back to my office only to two members from HR on the floor. At this time fellow employees began to talk about what was transpiring for several employees were being told that they were being laid off. I went back to my office and printed off a document as I was retrieving it from the printer God told me to go back to my office and just sit down and be still. Approximately five minutes later my boss came to my office stating that he needed to see me. While I knew what was about to transpire I was totally at peace. As I was escorted into the office I was told that it would be my last day because the department was about to be reorganized.
As I exited the building with what few personal belonging I had at the office I felt so at peace. A peace that surpasses all understanding. So many people could not understand how calm I was after just being laid off. What they failed to understand is that God had prepared me for this day for several months. This is a testimony that if you trust Him he will give you comfort and peace through any and every situation.
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