As I thought about the question more the following days, I decided
that I would ask my siblings who are older and all have memories of our mother the
same question. I am sure it must be
more difficult for them in varying degrees.
Our mother was only twenty-nine years old when she passed away, leaving
behind a husband and five children. My
siblings were 12, 10, 8 and 6 when our mother died after having surgery due to myasthenia
gravis an autoimmune disease which was effecting her thyroid at the time. This was in 1962 and the medical community
was not as advanced in the knowledge of MG back then as they are now.
While I have always felt, and still do so today, an
emptiness due to not having my mother in my life I am not saddened by it. My father, maternal grandmother (Big Mama),
aunts and uncles did the best they knew how to by stepping in the gap that now existed
in the lives of me and my siblings. Everyone did the best they could for us. My father’s sister (Muff) was cosmetologist and
would do my sister’s hair. No one and I
mean NO ONE was allowed to do their hair.
If they did there was hell to pay.
Now my father passed away in 1996 (34 years after my mother) but he
never remarried. I am TRULY grateful
for all the love that they showered on us (especially Big Mama). When my mother – her daughter--passed away
she quit her job to take care of me because I was not school age. These were the days before pre-school. All of
my siblings were in school. I lived with
her from Sunday – Friday evening. On
Friday my dad would come to pick me up and off to McDonald’s we would go with
my siblings. It was a Friday
ritual. We all attended the same church (Truelight Baptist Church) so I got to be up under Big Mama during Sunday service. There was nothing like the comfort of being with
Big Mama. My earliest memory is me
laying my head on her lap in church as a child.
She was stern, wise and very loving.
As I think back to those days of living with her I remember her
cooking. Big Mama could THROW DOWN in
kitchen. I can remember falling in love with her greens
and those potato rolls….LORD HAVE MERCY.
Oh and I can’t forget the pound cake!!!!
I am sure that is why I am so in love with soul food as an adult.
As me and my siblings got older we would go visit Big Mama a
minimum of once a week. I remember us walking from our house to Big Mama’s. Now it was not around the corner or down the
street. It was a bit of a hike but it
was not a problem because the destination was worth it. We knew that Big Mama would welcome us with
open arms and fill our bellies. There
was no coming into her house without eating especially on Sunday. When you walked in she would ask if you
were hungry and it was disrespectful to turn down a meal. She would get in that kitchen and whip
something together in no time flat. It
seemed as if she would make those homemade rolls in the blink of an eye. To this day I don’t know how she did it. When my
mom passed away Big Mama quit her job to take care of me. From what I have been told is that Big Mama
and my mom were very close. She took my
mom’s passing very hard.
Growing up I felt so special for I was the only
one of my siblings to get her attention five days a week (yes I was spoiled….very….but
not rotten for Big Mama was not having that). I don’t
ever remember getting a "whooping"…not because she didn’t believe in it. She would go to that closet and get that ironing
cord and your butt would be sore for a week.
I loved Big Mama for she brought
something to my life and my development as an adult that I know is special. She was the best mother I could have had in the absence of my biological mom.
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